Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Why isnt this working???

You workout. Eat less than 1500 calories. You're getting 8 hours of sleep.
You're doing EVERYTHING you are supposed to be doing....so why arent you losing weight??

If this is how you feel, I completely understand.

My name is Meghan. I'm getting married this October and I am overweight.
Fact is, I have been battling weight for the past 4 years.
I've been working out, I've been cutting calories, I've been eating small portion meals frequently instead of starving myself. I'm not drinking pop.....really...the list goes on.
But still....NOTHING!

Want to hear the more devastating news? I'm actually gaining weight!
3 weeks ago I decided to try on my wedding dress. I cant even zip it. I mean, there is 2 inches of space between one side of the zipper and the other. It aint happenin'.
So ladies, its do or die. It's time to lose weight!

In my effort to lose weight for the past 4 years, this wedding dress crisis made me throw in the towel that night. APPARENTLY there must be SOMETHING I dont understand fully about health and fitness.

So thats when I started doing my research. Book after book.
Thats when I realized I never knew anything about health. Ever.
In fact, I was slowly but surely KILLING myself with the food and drink I was piling in my mouth!

The next day, I started changing my lifestyle....starting with my eating habits.
Since then, I have been losing a steady 2 pounds a week....which is healthy.
Not only did this health revelation motivate me to keep going....but it motivated me to help other girls who are in the same boat I was just in.

I dont need a fitness class. I need a BOOTCAMP. I need somebody to kick my ass back in gear.
I dont need a gym membership.... I need a life coach!

And I cant do this alone. You cant either. You need support. You need a cheerleader....hence, this blog.

JOIN THE BOOTCAMP to get back in shape.
FOLLOW THIS BLOG to stay motivated by hearing testimonies, sharing tips, getting support, following daily strength exercises to do at home, and finally learning the truth about health and what crap you are shoveling in your mouth.

I once hated hearing this until I discovered the truth in it:
this is a LIFESTYLE change. NOT a diet.

Read the book Skinny Bitch. It's written by some hardcore vegans, so take the majority of the information with a grain of salt. I skipped over the animal cruelty chapters, but all the other information has thus-far been life changing for me. You hear all the time that coffee and diet pop are bad for you...but if you are like me, nobody ever EXPLAINED why....so you dont realize exactly how bad it is or WHAT you are doing to your body when you drink it. or how about non-organic meat? What if the steriods in chicken and other meat actually PREVENTED you from losing weight? Would you change the way you eat? This book explains everything...with a humorous twist. This book is not only hilarious, its also an easy read. I finished the entire thing within 2 days. so read up!

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