Friday, January 28, 2011

Hormonal Imbalances That Hinder You From Losing Weight

So its the beginning of week 4, which means yesterday was weigh-in day.
Shockingly, after an intense week of fitness and a strict organic whole food diet, I did not lose a single pound.
Nothing to get bent all out of shape for though. Sometimes your body resists change....all the more reason to get back in the gym and work even harder. OR you are gaining muscle mass...which weighs more than fat.
speaking of muscle, dont take that as a reason not to lift weights. Muscle mass burns calories WELL after your workout.

If you are following all the right steps and are still not seeing an improvement in your weightloss, you may want to consult with a doctor. As I said earlier, hormones effect the metabolism. If the hormones are out of wack, so is your metabolism, making it harder to lose weight.
 Get some blood work done and ask the doctor to check your thyroid while he's at it.

I personally have a condition called Premature Ovarian Failure...or POF. It's a fancy term for "I possibly ran out of eggs and my fiance most likely has more estrogen than I do."
Statistics show that 1 in every 100 American women have this condition. Doctors are having a hard time determining the cause it. It could be due to the fact I was grossly premature as a baby (didnt develop enough eggs), or my genetics, or simply the chemicals in our food that threw my hormones off wack. Who knows.
With POF, it is EXTREMELY hard for me to lose weight. Conditions like POF can cause insulin resistance.....which is just one reason why you may not be seeing major improvement on the scale.
POF is not curable, but it IS manageable......and its all the more reason to be getting adequate amounts of exercise and being on an organic whole food diet.
Taking care of your body can prevent other issues that hormonal imbalances can lead you to like diabetes, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, heart attack, and cancer.
Some symptoms of premature ovarian failure are:
*absence of periods
*difficulty losing weight
*carrying fat mainly around your mid section
*having a difficult time getting pregnant

And then some people have no symptoms at all!
In conclusion, I have a difficult time keeping weight off. When you can indulge in the occasional bowl of maccaroni and cheese....I will gain 5 pounds by just looking at it.
The recommended amount of exercise each day - 30 minutes - is not quite enough for me. My typical workout is 1.5-2 hours. Lots and lots of cardio mixed in with moderate-intense strength training.
So dont read this and be like "1 hour of zumba + 20 minutes of abs + 1 hour yoga??!?! F*ck that!"
thats me, not you - you will discover what works for you and your body once you start this program.

but in the mean time, its 8AM, I just finished my pre-workout meal which was a handful of blackberries, a banana, and a cup of black coffee....and now im off to the gym for some yoga and circuit training. :)

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